PHC awards new medical student grants
December 12,
2018By Physicians for a Healthy California Medical Student Grants
Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) is pleased to continue its long-standing tradition of funding medical students’ initiatives to support community health. More specifically, our Medical Student Community Leadership Grant Program funds medical student initiatives to support health-related educational, advocacy, community service and outreach programs. Organizations can receive up to $1,000 to support these efforts.
This year, we are pleased to announce that we are funding the following initiatives:
- Pop-Up Clinic at San Bernardino Health Fair in which UC Riverside medical students will expand the reach of the San Bernardino Free Clinic – a clinic that has served primary care services for underserved patients – by creating an ancillary pop-up clinic at the San Bernardino Health Fair in January 2019.
- Medical Excellence in Phlebotomy in which California Northstate University (CNU) will train medical students in drawing blood at the student-run Clinica Tepati so as to optimize patient visit time in the clinic and enhance the patient experience.
- Kid’s Health Day at California Northstate University plan will provide hands-on exposure to the field of medicine and encourage elementary, middle school, and high school students in pre-health pipeline programs to pursue a career in medicine.
- Peer Educators at a Teaching Kitchen housed at the UC Irvine Family Health Center will teach UC Irvine School medical students to provide practical nutrition training for patients with chronic disease.
- Women’s Health Fair in which UC Davis medical students will expand the mobile mammography clinic at Knight’s Landing to offer mammography services at a community women’s health fair.
Please consider donating to PHC so that we can continue to support medical students as the learn their trade, gain leadership skills and engage in community-benefit activities.