
August 10, 2021

GME Startup Solutions

If you are interested in starting a physician residency program, we invite you to learn more about Physicians for a Healthy California’s (PHC) new Graduate Medical Education (GME) Startup Solutions program:

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August 10, 2021

CalMedForce GME application now open

Approximately $39 million will be available to support and expand primary care (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics) and emergency medicine GME programs in California that prioritize serving underserved areas and communities

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August 10, 2021

CalVaxGrant provides physician practices up to $55,000 for COVID-19 vaccine administration

In partnership with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) is administering the CalVaxGrant program to increase the number of providers vaccinating against COVID-19 by supporting and incentivizing physician organizations (with 200 or fewer physicians) to increase and maintain their participation in the myCAvax program, and to start or continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines.

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