
September 21, 2022

KidsVaxGrant 2.0: New grant opportunity

The KidsVaxGrant 2.0 application cycle is open for another few weeks. Providers that serve pediatric populations and are newly enrolled in California’s COVID-19 vaccine program (myCAvax) could be eligible for $10,000 to support enrollment and launching a vaccination center.

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September 21, 2022

Fall notes from PHC

Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and California’s physician shortage. As of 2022, PHC has invested over $653 million in underserved communities to increase access to care.

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September 20, 2022

CalHealthCares: Summer awards and new cycle

In July, the CalHealthCares loan repayment program announced the awardees for its fourth application cycle, with a total of 253 physicians and dentists chosen to receive a total of $64 million.

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